I am a software developer specializing in interactive environments, integration and custom tools, with a focus on Unreal Engine C++ tools development.
My background is in academic research, with published work in the fields of Virtual Reality, Music Technology and Teleoperation/Telepresence.
I am passionate about and intrigued by the application oftechnology to creative and expressive contexts.
My main interests are Human Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Art Games, playing and writing Music. I deeply believe in the collaboration between professionals and enthusiasts with different backgrounds, and I see in interaction technologies a mean to vehicle expression, and to help making the creative experience free, accessible, stimulating and direct.
I had the luck and opportunity to collaborate to the creation of interactive music performances, audiovisual installations, games and technological setups for psychology and research studies, thus merging my passion for music and play with my interest for technology. During my PhD, I investigated the application of Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies to the design and enrichment of interactive music performances and installations (Enhancing User Experience in Interactive Environments). This lead me to explore the use of diverse technologies to create Virtual, Hybrid and Augmented reality environments. As a VR Developer I contributed to the design and development of immersive VR games, and helped creating audio/visual content, shaders and tools. I have experience as a researcher and research support technician, and I am familiar with real time motion capture for HCI, and Haptic devices for Virtual Reality and Teleoperation/Telepresence setups for robotics.